Carolien Herweijer
Carolien has a long track record as a lawyer. She became lawyer in 1985. Her main areas of business are family law, criminal law and labour law.
Carolien Herweijer in short:
- works fast & thouroughly
- does not take half measures
- Has a long experience as a lawyer in her fields of expertise.
- Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam, civil law
- Dutch Mediation Institute, 2007
- Course in assisting victims
"Well begun is half done".
Frank Olberts
Frank Olberts has a long history in banking and financial services. Due to this he has a great insight in financial products and the modus oprandi of many financial institutions, enabling him to obtain better results in and outside the court.
Frank Olberts in short:
- He does not give up easily
- Frank is a freak in finding facts
- And he is able to translate them into valid legal arguments
- Utrecht University, Masters in Economical Public and Company Law
- NIMA A & B, marketing degrees
- Master In Financial Planning, Amsterdam Graduate Business School
‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.’